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Showing posts from April, 2014

Android: Place Search using Google Places API

The Google Places API allows you to query for place information on a variety of categories, such as: establishments, prominent points of interest, geographic locations, and much more. You can search for places either by proximity or a text string. A Place Search returns a list of Places along with summary information about each Place; If you want to view additional information it is extracted using Place Details query. An HTTP URL is used for search query specifying the type of Place you are searching, latitude and longitude of your location and radius.The HTTP URL should look like:,151.1957362&radius=500&types=food&name=harbour&sensor=false&key=YourAPIKey Mandatory parameters key — Your application's API key. This key identifies your application for purposes of quota management and so that Places added from your application are made immediately available to your app. Vis

Android: Adt doesn't create default hello world

Problem While creating project SRC and LAYOUT folder is empty. Solutions Check your Android Developer Tool build version. If it shows v22.3.0m then update your ADT version. This problem was because of New version of SDK and ADT so to update ADT please add this address: ** Be aware it doesn't work with exciting address begin with http so go to Install New software in ADT and do these steps: Then Select this and press Next and Next and accept licence and press finish to download and install: Now after restart ADT if you create a project it will work another problem i saw was the AVD doesn't work correctly you can not add new device to solve this problem run this command from SDK path: ~/Program/android/adt/sdk/tools $ ./android avd After add your device go to ADT and open AVD from eclipse and press Refresh. It should work now.

Android: Custom Calendar Control

Caldroid   Caldroid is a fragment that display calendar with dates in a month. Caldroid can be used as embedded fragment, or as dialog fragment. User can also swipe left/right to navigate to different months. Caldroid can be used with Android 2.2 and above. For more details refer github.     Here is the output of custom calendar control. You can also set custom background with different argument. This Calendar control is also open in dialog box just add code.on button click and access the calendar in dialog box. Enjoy.