Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The meta-data tag in
your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected
4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the
element: <meta-data android:name=""
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
If you get this type of error while launch your application which is based on Google Map V2,then update your AndroidMenifest.xml file.Solution
- Google Play Services have been updated to 4.0.30 very recently and so
you seem to be using that version of google-play-services_lib.
Assumption based on this line:
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
Not all devices have received an update of GooglePlayServices.APK,
which needs to be at least the same version as a client library you are
Check version of GPServices.APK in Settings app. For me it is still
at 3.2.66 and last time I had to wait few days for the update.
If you are using gradle, you can put lower version dependency. If
not, you have to download older version of google-play-services_lib from
For more details refer this google document. It's a new requirement added from the last revision 13 update to google-play-services.
After Adding this tag, if you get this error like:
No resources found that match the given name (at 'value' with value '@integer/
- It is probably that your library is not linked
to project properly or that you have older google-play-services library
version so conflict appears and Eclipse got stupid.. :)
You don't need to add anything in integers.xml. When you link properly Google-play-services library to your project reference
If you hardcode somewhere this number when next play version come you would need to update it. And if you forget that, you will spend time again looking for bug.. :)
You don't need to add anything in integers.xml. When you link properly Google-play-services library to your project reference
will be found and you are ready to go. When you add library to your
project just do one more clean so funny Eclipse environment sweep-out
things properly.If you hardcode somewhere this number when next play version come you would need to update it. And if you forget that, you will spend time again looking for bug.. :)
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