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Android: "Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define"


1) This is a build path issue. Make sure your bin folder is not included in your build path. Right click on your project, go to properties and then Build Path. Make sure that Honeycomb library is in your libs/ folder and not in your source folder. Include the libraries in libs/ individually in the build path. BTW, you may want to bring in the android-support-v4 library to get Ice Cream Sandwich support instead of the Honeycomb support library.
2) The reason was that the support library was referenced by two library projects used by my app project but with different versions.
In more details: My app depends on 2 library projects
  • FaceBookSDK 3.0 -> which is referencing android-support-v4
  • ActionBarSherlock -> which is referencing android-support-v4 but with a modified version to support maps.
To solve the problem I had to make FaceBookSDK library depend on ABS library instead of the support library directly. 
3) If some of you facing this problem with facebook-connent-plugin for phonegap try to remove files in bin/class/com/facebook/android directory ! -> and rebuild
4) The Solution for me was just to do following things:
  1. ->lib directory in your project and delete any multiple elements.
  2. Project->Properties->Java build Path and delete any Dependency Library was added automatically and not by you! ->Apply
  3. Restart Eclipse IDE
  4. Now Clean the project.
  5. Run/Debug on Device/Emulator the project ... 
Good Luck


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